Every journal and paper has a different influence on my writing. Trying to journal on handmade paper is a bit like trying to jog in formal wear. It doesn’t feel right to empty, indiscriminately, the contents of my mind onto such a lovely surface. But journaling doesn’t have to be a record of one’s thoughts in the way I have always believed. One can journal from their heart, or collect creative free-writes. I’m not sure what this is yet but it’s more about experience than thinking. These are my favorite pages so far.
I think the paper definitely affects the words being placed there.
Think how it felt to write in discount spiral-lined notebooks in college. Write all you want, let your thoughts flow like sewers dumping into the ocean. You can always buy more notebooks at 39 cents a pop. And still have money left over to go out drinking.
Or the minimalist confines of the back of a cocktail napkin, each letter formed with delicate intention to avoid ripping the rough paper. And then the final words shrink with each stroke so you can complete your thought before running out of room, until they disappear into a blur of ink.
But I fear being fooled by the beautiful paper into thinking my words are better than they are. The same way with computers, where the cleanliness of the on-screen writing gives the appearance of completion.
Still, having colors and texture dance around my words as I write might encourage me to move judiciously, to ponder the worth of each word before laying it atop such beauty.
I think one reason I am an artist/poet instead of a poet is that I could never tell when things were done or if I had ruined the spirit trying to make it a cohesive piece.
I am glad that there are poets and writers who are devoted to the craft of making a good piece but I am mostly trying to capture the general poetic nature of life, so it's not important if my words aren't that great. But I do know what you mean about how presentation can fool a person.
Thanks for sharing your experience, I love the napkin-writing description :)
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