It took me a while to figure out what was going on in these photos. Once I enlarged them, I was able to see and read the words. I actually enjoy the subtlety of the words and how they eye needs to discern the less than obvious. I found myself impressed by the placement and wished that I could walk along the trail and decipher the code:) Thanks for sharing.
thanks, it was a difficult installation to photograph. I have some clearer photos from an overcast day with a telephoto lens, I will post them eventually...I edited them at school to print for the show and then didn't have enough room on my flash to save them...OH EXASPERATION!
It took me a while to figure out what was going on in these photos. Once I enlarged them, I was able to see and read the words. I actually enjoy the subtlety of the words and how they eye needs to discern the less than obvious. I found myself impressed by the placement and wished that I could walk along the trail and decipher the code:) Thanks for sharing.
thanks, it was a difficult installation to photograph. I have some clearer photos from an overcast day with a telephoto lens, I will post them eventually...I edited them at school to print for the show and then didn't have enough room on my flash to save them...OH EXASPERATION!
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