Feb 13, 2009


Once again I feel like my art project is having its way with me. I don't mind a bit. I start with long pieces of tracing paper then cut them into strips.

Then I hang the strips from tree branches

which are of course hung from the ceiling. Right now it looks a bit like a car wash but I think as it expands it will be less so.

Mostly I want people to walk through it and feel that they are in the ocean. But I'm not trying to convey a literal experience of the ocean as much as a poetic one. It's hard for me to say because I don't feel in charge. It is more like a science experiment where I am learning from the results rather than determining them.
Hanging out at the inlet everyday has taught me a few things about accepting my own artistic nature. I feel very comfortable now with my whimsical style and the fact that I really just want to work with text, color, and pattern. I used to feel that whimsy wasn't legit; that I was just avoiding the discipline of drawing. It feels like my work is only getting stronger now and I am pretty excited about it.


Anonymous said...

The first word that comes to mind when I look at the photos of your latest project is "fluid." I think you are very successful in evoking a sense of water. The text draws me in and makes me want to see more and to be in the midst of all of the messages. This is exciting work and I love having a chance to watch its evolution. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your process.

Dale said...

I'm so glad you're welcoming the whimsy, now! This looks like wonderful stuff.